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16 Nov

It’s a well known fact that most women tend to spend A LOT of time to get ready…It doesn’t matter the occasion, they’ll always be late. And the other problem is that we don’t really know how to measure time (or we pretend not to); as for example, I’m sure you said more than once that you’ll be ready in 5 minutes or that you’re on your way even though it’s a big fat lie…you probably just got out of the shower or you’re contemplating what are you going to wear. Men don’t really understand how it’s possible for a human being to take an one hour bath or try every piece of item from your wardrobe till you decide which one is the best. Yeah, it’s quite a big dilemma between men and women. Men can be ready in even 10 minutes but for a woman it can take even the whole day. Why?

Well, the answer is that is fun. That’s what we like to do, it’s part of the whole night and we enjoy it. But sometimes it can be annoying. No one likes to wait for someone or to be lied, man or woman. So, let’s change that! 

I personally can be ready in 10 minutes if I’ll really want to or if I will be late for university. But, when I go out with my friends, it can take up to 2 hours…I am going to do a step-by-step of how can you be ready in time and also enjoy it!

Let’s say the party is at 10 and right now is 8:30. OMG, I’ll never make it in time! Oh trust me, you will!


First, take a shower. Not a bubble bath with scented candles and Budha Bar music in the background. Just a regular shower. You’ll smell good and be clean no matter what. Wash your hair with whatever products you want, but if you’re in a hurry, forget about the deep conditioner mask, it’s OK if you won’t use it once, no one will tell the difference.

This step should take no more than 15-20 minutes.


Start blow drying your hair. Yeah, it’s not the best solution, it can be quite damaging to your hair, but it’s fine! Stop worrying about all these details…they’re irrelevant. Just don’t blow dry your hair every single day 🙂

If your hair is curly and dry like mine, don’t start experimenting new hairstyles, it will take way too much time and probably end up wrong…Use some hair products in order to define your curls and to look more shiny (I use TRESemee Flawless Curls, it’s cheap and great) and you’re done! Finish it with some hairspray and you’ll look fierce!

If it’s straight or wavy, you’re a lucky girl! Again, blow dry it and use some products for volume and shine and that’s it. Or, if you want a hairdo, without spending too much time, make a high bun( or braid it and pull it up), use hairspray and then, before you leave the house, take it down and use again hairspray. It will create volume and some light curls. Your hair will look amazing and natural, without damaging it!

This step takes also max 15 minutes, maybe even 10 if your hair is short or straight.


Make-up time! This will probably take the longest time. But again, it depends on which kind of make-up you want to have. In my opinion, the best and easiest way is to keep the eyes simple, but use a bold lipstick instead. It’s quick and beautiful.

This step can take from 10 to 25 minutes. If you’re going to use only eyeliner and mascara/falsies on your eyes and red lips it should take no more than 10 minutes. If you want something more dramatic, such as sparkly smokey eyes, it will take longer (25 minutes probably) It also depends on how good you are at applying make-up.


Clothes! Stop wasting your time on deciding what outfit you’re going to wear! Most of the time, you’ll end up being depressed because you want more clothes or you need to lose weight or God knows what else…You can never go wrong with a black dress and everyone owns one. Add some accessories and the most expensive shoes you own and the result will be incredible! If you’re not the girly type, use the usual skinny jeans, a cool t-shirt, a blazer and a pair of high knee boots. There are so many easy options! Some people like to exaggerate with their outfits, but less is always more! You’ll look classy and fashionable.

No more than 10 minutes the outfit part should take!

And that’s it! In only one hour or maybe even less you can look flawless and you won’t have to text your friend with the same old lie, ‘I will be there in 5’. Good luck and have fun!
